Proteins in organisms are primarily composed of 20 common amino acids encoded by 61 codons. Except for methionine and tryptophan, the other amino acids are encoded by 2 to 6 different codons.Read More…
Nature: Review on the Regulation and Function of Non-M6A Modification on mRNA
So far, over 170 types of RNA modifications have been identified, and these modifications are widely distributed in non-coding RNAs. With the advancement of detection techniques, various chemical modifications have been detectedRead More…
PNAS: Novel RNA Nanoparticle Therapy may Block the Spread of Human Mmultiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma is an incurable bone marrow cancer that causes over 100,000 deaths annually. Known for its rapid and deadly spread, it is one of the most challenging diseases scientists face today.Read More…
Sanofi Collaborates with MIT to Develop Next-Generation mRNA Delivery Technology
International pharmaceutical giant Sanofi recently announced a $25 million investment over five years in MIT’s Daniel Anderson lab to support the development of next-generation mRNA delivery technology. The funding will be utilizedRead More…
Disassembly of mRNA Vaccine Preparation Process
The mRNA vaccine, which is rated as an epoch-making innovation. Instead of injecting inactivated or inactivated viruses into the body, this method employs synthetic genetic fragments to emulate viral attacks and stimulateRead More…
Predicting mRNA Degradation by AI models to Improve the Stability of mRNA Vaccines
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine plays a key role in the fight against COVID-19. Because of its rapid production ability and promising results in a number of clinical studies, vaccines and treatments basedRead More…
One of the Most Popular areas of Small Nucleic Acid Research: siRNA
Small nucleic acid drugs are short in length and have fewer than 30nt bases. They mainly act on intracellular mRNA through the principle of base complementary pairing to regulate protein expression soRead More…
Manganese-Based LNP-mRNA Vaccine Has Strong Immunogenicity
A variety of vaccines have been approved to prevent COVID-19, including two mRNA vaccines, Comirnty (BNT162b2) developed by Pfizer / BioNTech and Spikevax (mRNA-1273) developed by Moderna. The mRNA vaccine has playedRead More…
An Innovative Inhaled mRNA Therapy Possibly Realizes Precise Delivery of mRNA to Lungs
Nucleic acid-based drugs are very adaptable and may encode a wide range of therapeutic proteins for treatment, prevention, or vaccine. Currently, the development and improvement of viral vectors such as lentivirus andRead More…
Lancet Review: Delivery and Clinical Progress of mRNA Cancer Vaccine
The COVID-19 pandemic makes the mRNA vaccine become the focus of global researchers. The rapid development of the COVID-19 vaccine benefits from years of research on using mRNA vaccines as a cancerRead More…